We all have sexual secrets - ones that are naughty or even a little kinky.
Most times, they’re harmless. But when do they cross the line? Simply put, when the lecherous skeleton in the cupboard has the potential to hurt the ones we love.
The confessions on the next few stories - from Singaporean men with girlfriends and wives - are more than a little risque, from online sex with other women to porn addiction.
“I was a high-end gigolo”All it took was my first experience with a sophisticated woman in her 40s from Hong Kong to get me hooked: Jason.
Spot the signsHere are some tips from a private investigator if you suspect your man has a dirty little secret.
Get a copy of the March 2010 issue of Her World, Singapore’s No. 1 women’s magazine. Her World, published by SPH Magazines, is available at all newsstands now. Jaclyn Lim, Angeline Tse, Zarelda Marie Goh & Gladys Chung are features writers with Her World magazine by SPH Magazines. Check out more stories at Her World online, www.herworld.com