Private investigator Jeffery Ang, who runs Catchalie Consultancy, has some useful tips if you suspect your man has a dirty little secret.
- Men are better liars than women
Unfortunate, but true. Women are generally more honest than men, and feel guilty if they lie. However, women are also better lie detectors because they are intuitive. So use your intuition!
- Watch when he breaks eye contact from you
Someone can look you in the eye and still lie to your face, so it's better to note when they choose to break eye contect instead, says Jeffery. The crucial moments? Just before the lie - when they may get shifty because they are thinking of what to say - and up to two seconds after the lie has been told, when they are assessing you to see if you believe them.
- Just because the lied once doesn't mean he'll always be a liar
"Ig a guy wants to continue achieveing a certain purpose, he will continue to lie," Jeffery says. "But this doesn't mean he will spend his whole life wanting to achieve that purpose. I've seen a case where a husband cheated because he wanted to get caught. It was an indirect call for help. He wanted to end the relationship, but did not know how." Find out why he's lying, and decide if you're willing to give him a second chance.
1<< 2<< 3<< 4<< Part 5<<
>> Part 7
Get a copy of the March 2010 issue of Her World, Singapore’s No. 1 women’s magazine. Her World, published by SPH Magazines, is available at all newsstands now. Jaclyn Lim, Angeline Tse, Zarelda Marie Goh & Gladys Chung are features writers with Her World magazine by SPH Magazines. Check out more stories at Her World online,