Have you ever wondered how some women never seem to lack admirers while some others seem to perpetually turn guys off?
You will find that there are women in both aforementioned categories regardless of their looks and body shapes. So outward beauty is not the answer.
Confidence. That’s the answer. A woman lacking in confidence is one who is overly self-conscious and insecure. At the other end of this spectrum is a woman who displays too much confidence. Such a woman usually comes across as being over-bearing or aggressive.
Then, isn’t it difficult to have a good balance to our confidence level? Not at all! The confidence I speak of is a confidence that makes a woman more attractive. I call it Attractive Confidence: AC.
So what’s AC in a woman? It’s a self-awareness and acceptance of both her good and bad attributes. She is not boastful about her strengths, nor does she deny that she has flaws. She simply acknowledges both her strengths and flaws the way one accepts that the sun provides light but can also burn our skin.
Such a woman is not brash, does not intimidate or overwhelm. Such a woman makes others around her feel comfortable enough to stick around with, even if they are not engaged in a conversation with her. In other words, she is approachable.
Approachability is a prelude to attracting more men and a woman who has AC automatically becomes approachable. The best part of AC is that it’s not dependant on personality. So any woman can develop AC.
At this point, you probably want to ask: How do I develop my AC?
To answer that, I must first ask you two Critical Questions (CQ):
CQ1) Who or what do you see when you look into the mirror?
CQ2) Can you live with that?
For some women, they can’t bear to look into the mirror for long. That’s because their answer to CQ2 is a resounding “No”! I’ll call these women ‘Group 1’.
Then, there are those who shout “Of course!” to CQ2. This group may be small but they exist and usually come across as the over-bearing type that I mentioned earlier. I’ll call these women ‘Group 2’.
‘Group 1’, please consider these: If you yourself cannot live with who or what you see about yourself, how can you expect a man to? If you are turned off by yourself, why should you expect a different reaction from men?
‘Group 2’, please think these through: If you are already so in love with yourself, what part can a man play in your love life? If you already put so much value on yourself, do you need any men to add value to your life?
Hence, please understand that my solution to developing your AC is only for those who figured out why your answer to CQ2 cannot be anything like the answers from ‘Group 1’ and ‘Group 2’, even if you belong to either group.
Here goes…The only way to develop your AC is to increase your ability to answer “Yes” with a smile to CQ2. That (and any other equivalent variation) is the model answer.
The good news is that you do not need to arrive at this model answer overnight. Start with something small (like one facial feature) and work your way up to something bigger (like your whole face). A start, any start, is a start to becoming more attractive to men.
About the contributor:
Sylvher personally went from someone who was emotionally empty, dateless and hopeless about finding the right man in the past into a "highly date-able" and happily-attached woman presently.
As a Dating and Relationship Advisor to women in Singapore, she has coached many women into successfully enjoying their dating lives and entering into fulfilling relationships. She conducts trainings and personal coaching sessions (upon special requests) specially for women.
She maintains a website at - http://www.attractmeninsingapore.com