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Fri, Oct 18, 2013
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Love at any age: In her 20s
by Ankita Varma

From spontaneous first dates to looking for someone who's husband material, Ankita Varma finds out what women in their 20s, 30s, 40s and 50s are looking for in love.

In her 20s: Charlene Ong, 25, student

The most alluring trait a woman my age has is... open mind. Th ere's an appeal in being with a young woman who doesn't know what she wants yet. We're open to meeting new people and trying different things.

In contrast, older women who know what they want from a man may subconsciously stay away from certain types of guys or be less willing to try unfamiliar activities. Plus, they say you never look better than when you're in your 20s, right?

One dating habit I've outgrown

My insecurity. In my teens, I would constantly compare myself to other girls.

There were a lot of thoughts like "Why is he dating me?" and "Doesn't he like her better?" Now, I've let that go. Accepting my quirks has helped me learn that someone else can love them too.

When it comes to finding love...

...we 20-somethings are more open to new-fangled avenues - I even joined It's A Date!, an online dating show.

I had heard about the auditions and thought, why not give it a shot? I've also met some cool people on omegle. com, which lets you chat with strangers with similar interests, and am open to being set up on blind dates.

My dream date... something completely spontaneous and creative. I used to work at a comic book store and one of my best dates was one where the guy surprised me by re-enacting scenes from my favourite comic books, followed by a picnic he'd prepared for us. Oh and ideally, every date should end with a killer kiss.

My perfect man is...

...someone who treats me as an equal. Marriage isn't on the cards yet, so I just want someone who can handle my whims, who is genuinely nice and likes having fun. He should be open to trying new things too, because at this age, I want to go out and discover new stuff.

I also need to be able to touch base with him every day, either over the phone or by texting. After all, isn't having someone to talk to the most wonderful part of a relationship?

Other 20-somethings say...

"I like dating in my 20s, compared to in my late teens. I'm now more aware of what I want, which helps me sieve out the immature guys."

- A. Johnson, 25, teacher

"My parents haven't had the 'fi nd a husband' talk with me yet, and it's fun meeting new people. Even if nothing comes out of it, I'm happy to have just made a new friend."

- Nandini Naidu, 22, student

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