Remember her? She's been on the covers of magazines and appeared in television commercials, but most recently she was featured in the November issue of Female.
Yes, Melissa Faith Yeo, the 23-year-old Singaporean model is also running for Female 50 Gorgeous People.
As part of the competition, audience can get to know the contestants by reading their blog entries on the official website, and then vote.
But Melissa was silent for a long time since the site launched on October 25, and only post her first entry on November 12.
To introduce herself, she wrote:
"Most of my friends call me Mel. My family calls me Lisa. My brother calls me Fatty. Occasionally, some call me Faith. Some also know me as the model. Or the Fujifilm girl. Or the girl/model who documented her boob job on her blog."
She further explained that she had been "missing" from the blog space because she "had nothing to say".
Diva had the opportunity to get to know the fresh-faced beauty better through an interview.
Currently Melissa makes a living through modeling. She focuses mostly on advertisements and editorials as she tells us that she's too short for runways. When asked if she loves what she does, Melissa says with gusto: "Hell, yea!"
While this contest is about being most gorgeous, we asked her what she found heavenly about herself. Melissa tells us the answer is simple: "My face. It pays my bills."
Her advice for looking good is drinking lots of water and having sufficient rest at night. Sleep, according to her, is "too under-rated and everyone can use more of it!" But if you want to be as gorgeous as her, ultimately it is important to have confidence.
But Melissa did not always look this divine. She too has had her fair share of fashion disasters. "My look a few years ago was pretty Ah Lian - skanky, but tasteless," stated Female magazine. But Melissa hopes she's improved now. (Well, in her words, 'hell, yea!')
A beauty essential she swears by is fake eyelashes which help to open up the eyes, but she insists they have to be "natural-looking falsies". She claims: "Apart from Indians, I believe it's a must-have for Asian girls. However, we should only use the natural-looking ones to avoid looking like an Ah Lian or trashy." We believe the lady speaks from experience?
This vivacious girl spices up the interview by sharing with us that her is pole dancing (now we can all imagine how she would make even a thin liveless pole look good). It was love at first try for the thrill-seeking babe as she got addicted to it the moment she took it up when she was 21.
But Melissa admits: "It's hard work, but it pays off as soon as I'm swinging around and climbing the pole. Aside from the sense of accomplishment it brings, it's extremely fun."
We also found out that humour is an essential in her life. Being able to laugh at herself makes it bearable in an industry that is deemed "bitchy" and "critical". While others may critisise her looks or mannerism, the only person who can get to her is herself.
She reveals to us that she is her harshest critic and she ends up second guessing herself perhaps too often.
Humour is also an important characteristic she'd like to have in an ideal partner.
On dates, she is equally harsh with boyfriend potentials. She says: "Maybe if he's boring or talks too much about himself, it'll be a waste of time."
Melissa also told us quite frankly: "I get bored easily. He has to be able to make me laugh and laugh at things too. I'll die with a guy who takes everything seriously."
Shedding her wild persona, she gets serious and elaborates on her ideal partner:
"Compatibility: His frequency has to match mine because it makes communicating much, much easier. Communication's very important in a relationship. And there has to be chemistry, of course.
"Love: Basically being understanding, caring and faithful. A guy who knows how to love can't go wrong. And I'm the kinda person who needs a lot of space, so being understanding is vital.
Melissa tells us she lives by the saying: "If you want it, go get it". Perhaps, if the competition is a pageant, you'll see Melissa give all she's got. But since this is largely a voting contest, you will have to cast a vote to give her your support.
The finals of the competition will be held at Zouk tomorrow night so that means that if you'd like to vote for Melissa or the other contestants, you only have mere hours before voting closes tonight at 10 pm.
If Melissa wins tomorrow night, it will give the up-and-coming model even greater mileage in her career as a model. But will her experience as a model give her an edge over the rest?
Simply click HERE to vote for your favourite Female Gorgeous People now! Or get the copy of the November issue to read more about Female 50 Gorgeous People.