updated 17 Apr 2009, 11:32
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Fri, Apr 17, 2009
The New Paper
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When ladies drink - and stink
by Eileen Ng

I HAVE been blessed with the opportunity to travel fairly often in the last two years, and the place I have travelled to most is a lovely island 8deg south of the Equator called Bali in Indonesia.

It is a small island, yet plays host to a large melting pot of travellers from across the globe.

Pause. Why are you reading what so far appears to be an article relating to travel when this is a column on nightlife, you must be wondering.


In my Bali travels, I have met many interesting people who, during initial conversations, are pleasantly surprised to learn that I am Singaporean.

What usually transpires is a spontaneous gush that they have been to our lovely concrete jungle and what a splendid time they had.

Ensuing this gushing are pairs of eyes poised on me, I think waiting for an equally matched gush of how much I adore my country and so forth.

My standard response, more often than not out of courtesy, is a simple question which consists of six simple words: 'What did you like about Singapore?'

Clean Singapore

Thus far, their comeback in countless such conversations has always consisted of no more than six words as well: 'I love that Singapore is clean!'

Here is where I merely grin in expected appreciation of their high praise of this mothership I call home; I do not correct them otherwise.

I do not ask them if they or fellow female travellers have been to the ladies' room in any nightclub in Singapore.

I do not ask if they have spent an hour queuing for a cubicle to open up and thereafter another 10 minutes waiting to wash their hands. Seriously, what are these girls doing in there? Taking a shower? Dispensing top-secret directives on the safety of our nation?

I do not ask them if they have had the good fortune, in their haste to relieve themselves, of being greeted by someone else's liquid excrements sprinkled delightfully on the toilet seat, or shoe marks belonging to some random woman who last used the toilet and who, although hard to imagine in our modern island, was not equipped with the basic knowledge of differentiating between sitting on a sitting toilet bowl and squatting on a squatting one.


I also do not ask if they have mastered the half-squat technique of positioning oneself above the bowl while simultaneously balancing at an approximate 120-degree angle, in order to obtain relief; especially nearing the end of the night when squalor is at its worst, liquid excrements are sprinkled on almost every functioning toilet, toilet paper is a much sought-after commodity and your one-too-many jugs of beer have proven too much for your bladder to keep in any longer.

All this while cursing your fate and the person who left the mess behind, and pondering how it is possible that modern club-going women lack basic toilet etiquette, much less female decorum.

I do not tell all this as one does not wash one's proverbial dirty laundry in public. Or in this case, I do not tell them that should they dare venture into this part of, in their opinion, clean Singapore, to be warned that there will not be a dry seat in the house.

This article was first published in The New Paper.

readers' comments
You are just being Jealous of us young men who tidy up ourselve good in the restroom, cause you are a plain old man, and you know there's no turning back! hahahahaha
Posted by antisillypor on Wed, 15 Apr 2009 at 16:13 PM
wow enigmaE! fierce! I don't really think... ANIMALS.. Putting it a bit too strongly don't you think? There are plenty of reasonable people in Singapore. Maybe you've been faced with the uncouth side of Singaporeans, but I can safely say I'm not one of the defacers of the "throne". The toilet's I've been to are fine, even those at hawker centres are fine! Maybe it's just the club toilets, well what can you expect, when you're drunk, you miss.

But as for the half-squat the author mentions on the above, that's pretty gross. I think you pee more the seat that way.
Posted by lunawavee on Wed, 15 Apr 2009 at 14:14 PM
totally agreed, singaporeans are ulgy once outside the house.
singapore looks like a first world country due to cleaners. culturally we are not any better than China, Malaysia etc. if you go to Japan, people dont do such **** in public. they treat public property with respect.

in singapore, we became animals once we are outside the house. as long as the toilets or public properties do not belong to us, we would abuse.

not just women, some guys, i wonder if they wear skirts sometimes would look at the mirror for more than 10 minutes, checking and styling their hair, oblivious that more than 10 people are waiting and looking at him. sometimes i wish i can take the matter into my own hands and give them a slap. these young mens' heads are getting too big, they think the world .....
Posted by EnigmaE on Wed, 15 Apr 2009 at 09:34 AM


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