Boys will be boys
Not only did Nathan survive his mummy's "rough-handling", he has turned out to be quite the charmer.
Said Tay: "I love all my boys equally as they each have their own unique character.
"Nathan's my husband's favourite because he always greets his father whenever he sees him.
"He is very adorable and has a charming character and makes his dad very happy."
As Tay was speaking to us over the phone from home, she had to excuse herself a few times whenever her sons' playful chatter became too loud.
"They are such a handful! And the place is in a mess!"
The radiant mum said she maintains her youthful looks by eating food that is "plain", like vegetables steamed Teochew-style.
Tay added that she eats healthily because she tends to fall sick easily so she tries her best to avoid getting the flu. She doesn't exercise because she's "busy and lazy".
Tay said that she's the kind of person who feels "cold easily" and wears socks and trousers to bed as her family sleeps with the air-conditioner on.
But she also "gets heaty easily" and gets a cough if she indulges in too much fried stuff.
Her formula for staying young?
Have a positive outlook on life and get plenty of rest.
But no matter how busy she gets with her "three musketeers", she admitted that she won't be a full-time homemaker because she loves her job too much.
Tay's upcoming Channel 8 drama, The Dream Makers, which premieres in June, will see her play the head of the variety show department at a TV station.
Said Tay: "There's so much pressure in our industry and I found it hard to accept rejection, especially when I first started out in acting.
"I was so naive back then and would think that if someone is nice to me than that person is really nice.
"I was wrong. "Thanks to the support of good friends that I have made such as (actor) Chen Hanwei and (hairstylist) David Gan, I was able to pull through all those hard times.
"My advice to the newbies? Be hardworking and patient. You can't expect to sign an acting contract and then hit the big time in just a few years. These things take time."
But according to Tay, the good thing about the local entertainment industry is that it is rather "clean" here.
In all these years as an actress, said Tay, she has never encountered the casting-couch culture here.
Said Tay: "I've heard from friends who are Hong Kong artistes that big shots there have asked them for sexual favours.
"Here, we are very lucky that it's really a lot more decent."
[email protected]

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