SINGAPORE - If you are in love with a Malaysia Cup star, then you have to be able to bear watching female fans gush and flutter their eyelashes at him.
In an interview with The New Paper, three WAGS (wives and girlfriends) of LionsXII players say they have learnt to take it in their stride.
"I'd be lying if I said I'm not jealous at all, but it's not gone to the extent of me asking who the girls are," said Suzielya Jamil, the fiancee of playmaker Shahdan Sulaiman.
"We all know that they're just fans, so it's fine."
Striker Sufian Anuar's fiancee Sharifah Wardah, who like Suzielya is a teacher, added: "The most they (female fans) dois just follow them on Twitter and the girls who tweet are all really young, so I don't really mind."
LionsXII fullback Irwan Shah's fiancee Farhana Rashid, who works in the sports media industry, quipped: "Wan Shah is very small-built, so he tends to attract the younger girls... so to me, there is no threat at all."
The role of a WAG was raised by LionsXII assistant coach Kadir Yahaya recently in his fortnightly column with TNP.
Kadir felt some WAGs of LionsXII players stepped out of line with their opinions on team selection and the coaches' tactics on social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter.
Suzielya, Wardah and Farhana, who all have Twitter accounts, agreed with the coach.
Suzielya, 24, said: "Instead of venting your frustrations on social media, why not you talk to your boyfriend or fiance one-on-one?
"After every game, Shahdan and I usually talk. He gives his point of view about the game and how he played. And it's just between the two of us."
Added Farhana, 22: "I firmly believe that it's wrong to voice your opinion like that on social media.
"For me, I try very hard not to be a Shebby Singh (football pundit) on Twitter. I have no right to comment on who deserves to be in the First XI, for example."
Wardah, 25, added: "The players have no bad blood between them, it's the girls who tend to be more emotional."
The three WAGs were clearly very comfortable being around one another, trading jokes throughout the interview.
But Farhana said they don't always hang out with one another and don't even sit together during the LionsXII's home games at the Jalan Besar Stadium.
She cannot stand the term WAGS, but Suzielya joked: "I wish I was VB (Victoria Beckham), but it's far from that."