Her oldest child will join the Primary 1 cohort in about one week's time, a milestone in a kid's life that usually gives parents the jitters.
But the Queen of Caldecott Hill Zoe Tay is unflappable.
Asked how she feels about Brayden, six, taking this big step, the mother of three boys told The New Paper: "I'm half-excited. Now that he's going to school proper, I feel he's not a kid any more."
"It's Brayden's world and I'll let him deal with it himself."
Tay, who ferries her son to and from kindergarten and enrichment classes for English, Chinese and Maths, isn't worried about how the longer school hours will affect the boy.
"It may suit him, since he's so energetic. Maybe school will burn out his energy and he'll sleep better at night," she said.
"He's a boy, he can handle it... He's very sociable and independent."
But Tay won't be there for Brayden's first day of school.
She explained: "I want to be around for Ashton (her second son, who is four) instead. Brayden usually holds his hand and walks him to the school bus.
"Since Brayden will be in school and won't be around, the impact is greater for Ashton, who is more timid."
Read the full story here.
You worry about his studies.
Then you worry about his NS.
After that their career.
Followed by their love life.
Finally about starting a family.
Such is the lot of a parent.