MALAYSIA - THE number of women cheating on their husbands is on the rise.
Leading syarie lawyer Datuk Mohd Zaidi Zain said he handled 80 to 100 divorce cases monthly and 70 per cent of them involved women cheating on their husbands.
The main reason for this, he said, was revenge. Read more
Please lah, go tell hints of cheating MEN can or not? Reaching national malady proportions already..
i myself had affair before, some woman know how to tell tales, they will go outside open space to return husband call
if they sms, they will say office got problem or is a she, stuff like that ...
every men and women have a secret desire to sway ..all you need is to givem them a push and pull factor, the deal is done
those that travel, or in sales line, very high chance, proerty agent, lawyer ...stewardess ( this one you will never be able to tell if she f around ) - but you know for sure, she will.