Continuation of Karen's story...
Too late by the time I saw his true colours
When she was five months pregnant, Madam Teo told Mr Hong she needed money for the utilities and for her monthly check-ups with a gynaecologist. That was when she saw his true colours.
She claimed: “Initially, Anthony offered $1,500 a month. But the next day, he asked if I could reduce it, saying it was too much.
“I wept when I heard that. He then threw a stack of documents on the floor, saying his monthly salary was only $3,000.
“I never minded footing the bill for our meals but since I was carrying his child, he ought to make some financial contributions.”
She pointed out that besides his monthly salary, Mr Hong also had an annual allowance of $25,000.
She said: “How could he say he didn’t have enough money? His lawful family was living in a condominium at Meyer Road.”
It was too late for Madam Teo to terminate the pregnancy by then.
Part 1 << Part 2
>> Part 4