The winning couple was one that lasted the longest without any part of their body – except the standing partner’s feet – touching the ground.
All of the contestants went the conventional route, with the men lifting the women.
Before the contest started, participants stood in their allocated spots, nervously checking out the competition, whispering to each other as they observed other couples.
Once the contest was underway, all the men appeared rock steady, each one with his lady love securely in his arms.
And the women?
They had the easy job – just wrap their arms around their partner’s necks.
But as the minutes ticked by, the strain began to show.
Some men closed their eyes in concentration.
Others stared ahead, beads of sweat forming on their foreheads.
The first couple gave up after six minutes and 40 seconds.
On the sidelines, one enthusiastic father was cheering on his daughter and her boyfriend.
“Go on! You can do it!” he shouted in Mandarin.