Q Are there any face massages or exercises that I can do at home every day to keep my skin wrinkle-free, radiant and youthful?
A Well, don't be expecting eternal youth or anything but here are a few simple exercises suggested by Karin Boo, technical manager of Leonard Drake Skincare & Health Spa, that can help tone and relax your facial muscles. Try doing them daily:
- Inhale and tilt your head upwards. Then exhale while stretching your neck (hold for six counts while stroking the underside of your chin upwards with both thumbs). This helps to prevent double chins.
- Exhale as if you are blowing a balloon. Smile, hold it for a few seconds and relax. This exercises your cheek muscles and you look nice and happy to boot.
- Tap your face slowly and lightly all over with your fingertips to stimulate blood circulation.
Remember to do these exercises with clean hands your face may break out. Also note that applying too much pressure can cause skin to sag. So please be very, very gentle.
If still in doubt about whether you are doing it right, treat yourself once in a while to a session with a professional skincare therapist.
We recommend Leonard Drake's Skin Refreshing Facial ($50, see www.leonarddrake.com.sg for locations) or the SK-II Boutique Spa by Senze Salus' Cloud 9 Facial ($280, see www.senzesalus.com for locations).
This article was first published in Urban, The Straits Times.