What does Valentine's Day mean to you? Would it be the most romantic day with you and your loved one? If you're a single, this could be the most dreadful day of the year!
February 14 can be a very stressful day for singles, especially when you see so many loving couples everywhere you turn. What are all the single ladies to do? Here's the good news: You don't have to ignore Valentine's Day just because you don't have a significant other, or even a date. You can actually enjoy the holiday! Or at the very least, you can refuse to let it turn you into a bitter person on this day of love and romance.
Here are 5 ways for you to have, as much, or even more fun than the couples on Valentine's Day this year.
1. Play dress up
Instead of sulking or hiding at home, make the effort to dress up this Valentine's Day.
So, take the effort (and money) to dress up. It will be worth it when you start receiving compliments, and you would find that getting a date is much easier than before. After all, first impression is so crucial!
Challenge yourself to look as good as possible this Valentine's Day by finding a fresh new look for yourself. Be it dressing up at home or at work, finding small ways to improve your outlook builds confidence and attitude.
- Changing up your wardrobe Try going into a boutique and speak to a sales assistant. Do not be shy to tell them that you are going on a date, and ask for help. They can help to piece together the best outfits that are date-appropriate, and styles that will suit your body type.
- Refresh your look Visit a good hairdresser, and ask for advice on a suitable hairstyle. Put your best foot forward and try something new! For example, go for a fresh look by adding more length to with hair extensions. Adding some coloured streaks in your hair can also brighten your look. - Hygiene is very important. Cut your nails, use cologne, brush and floss your teeth, and most importantly, flash a big megawatt smile!
2. Go out of your comfort zone and try new activities
Just because you are single, doesn't mean that you are alone. Be social on Valentine's Day, and find an activity that will be fun on its own and something that is different from your comfort zone.
There are plenty of events happening every week in Singapore. So browse around, and look for something you enjoy. If you are fearful of trying something new, bring a friend along.
Be it a speed-dating event, a cooking class or a one-on-one date, don't be afraid to step out of your comfort zone and try something new. You'll be surprised at what you can find.
3. Find a good conversation starter
When meeting someone for the first time, it is always important to make a good impression. This is especially so for speed-dating events. You only have a short span of time with this person, before they strike you off.
Find a topic that attracts the opposite sex. For guys, try talking about the times when you showed leadership, courage, and ambition. Ladies can consider sharing about how they are caring, nurturing, and forgiving.
Learn to weave your life stories into conversations, and let the opposite sex know what a desirable catch you are!
4. Going on a date
It can be daunting to ask a person out. At some point though, you need to step up and be bold or otherwise, be left to wonder what would or could have happened.
Try to find a topic that might interest the both of you. For example, find out what the latest movies are and speak to the other party out it. Thereafter, you can lead this into a date and invite him/her to catch the movie together.
Use this line: "Hey, it was great talking to you. The movie you talked about just now sounds really interesting. I'll like to go and watch it with you next week. What's your number?"
Asking someone out on a date may be tougher for ladies. However, you can try to drop hints, and hopefully, the guy will get the hint.
Use this line: "Hey, you were talking about learning how to just now. It sounds really interesting... but I dont know anyone to do that with..." and LET HIM ASK YOU OUT.
5. Attend a dating event
Your best bet to make new friends would be at dating events, where you are accompanied by singles alike. Social Development Network (SDN) continuously promotes dating in Singapore. By working with accredited dating agencies, SDN also helps to organise social events and activities for singles. Singles can get up-to-date with the latest events and activities at www.sdn.sg
SDN's upcoming initiative includes one of the largest singles events in Singapore, School of Love, a mass speed-dating event at Orchard Hotel. It is the BIGGEST singles event since 2013! With 500 participants at School of Love, making new friends would be simple.
Dating events are great because it answers a very fundamental question plagued in every other event: Are you single?
Many singles, however, arrive at the event with little preparation. You're here to make a good impression, so why not put in a little more effort? Here are some tips for singles:
• Be positive
Your energy matters as much as your looks. Brighten up your smile, have a good posture, and put your best foot forward to attract as many people as possible. Even if things do not work out, they might be able to introduce you their single friends too!
• Put in extra effort in looking good
Humans are visual creatures. As such, the way you look needs to be as visually appealing as possible. You will also feel more confident, and it creates a positive energy for yourself and the people you meet. People will naturally be attracted to you, and this creates great opportunities for you to meet the right person.
• Talk to as many people as possible.
This is a singles event. Other people have paid good money to go there and know people. This is the best way to go up to a random stranger and introduce yourself. Everyone there would expect to make some new friends. So, be kind, and help them out. Use this line: "Hi, I don't think we have met. My name is John."
The main factor, however, that most people tend to forget, is to GET NUMBERS. Admittedly, this is more socially acceptable if you are a guy. For ladies, think of some ways you need the guy to help you, and use that as an excuse to get his number!
Mr Kydon Tay, Coaching Director from the Lunch Actually Group, will be speaking at the upcoming Dating Fest 2014 finale event, School of Love, held on February 16, 2014.
Visit www.datingfest2014.sg for more information.