I WOULD not like to call it an "accident"; it was more of God's will that I discovered I was expecting my second child.
From the day I found out about my pregnancy to the day I gave birth and afterwards, I have had to battle with the "evil eye" cast upon me by the public.
It has been over four years since I entered the music industry and, though that's not a long time, it has been filled with scandals. The way I conduct myself is kind of controversial, or even ridiculous, to some.
Till now, I have avoided talking about my baby - even the name has not been disclosed to anyone, except my closest friends.
I have written about how some adults would not leave my older child alone in school. So I have decided to keep quiet about my second child.
All I will say now is that my baby is a girl, but her birth date will remain unknown.
Let's talk about the most momentous day in the pregnancy: her birth.
On admission to hospital, I wanted to be uncontactable. I requested for my room number to be kept secret, and for the phone line in my room to be cut off.
Though I have given birth before, I was all nerves this time. I bawled before any needle went into my skin. Perhaps it was the knowledge that I would be cut up for a Caesarean delivery.
Anyway, the first moments of my Little One were filmed, and she was oh-so-tiny! When she was handed over to me, I had a whiff of that scent I had long forgotten: the scent of a newborn.
I felt an instant attachment to her; I wanted to know when I could hold her again and when I could see her.
Unfortunately, she was not able to regulate her body temperature, so it was another 12 hours before I was able to see her again. Whenever the doctors came by, they saw me crying.
I had no explanation for that, except that I just didn't want to be separated from my baby.
Despite the pain from my incision wound, I would stand up and walk to the nursery, just to see if I could take a look at her.
During my hospital stay, I refused visitors. You can pretty much tell how fiercely I wanted to protect our privacy.
After we got home, it was the beginning of my new duty: to be a mother of two. I hardly sleep now, but it's all worth it.
Everyone around me has been telling me to hire a nanny to look after her so I can work, but I just can't bear to do that.
I admire those parents who can bear to hire someone else to care for their children.
I'm so attached to my baby that I refuse hands-on help from my family.
I'm joined at the hip with my Little One. Baby comes along with me everywhere I go.
As the new year approaches and the Little One gets older and bigger, I might start allowing my family to carry her. I really need to sit back, relax and watch my baby grow.
It is with her birth that I've come to realise how much of a mother I really am, and how much I have grown in the span of a few months. You can bet I'm wiser now, in every way.
The writer is a Star Blogger with Stomp, The Straits Times' social-networking and citizen-media website. This post first appeared in Stomp. Go to www.stomp.com.sg to read the views of other Star Bloggers.
For more my paper stories click here.
Maia, you're a strong girl! jiayou!
because she likes to hog the limelight?
Perhaps the media should be more responsible with their frivolous reporting.
What is she wiser about ?
1. "Till now, I have avoided talking about my baby - even the name has not been disclosed to anyone, except my closest friends."
2. "some adults would not leave my older child alone in school. So I have decided to keep quiet about my second child."
3. "her birth date will remain unknown"
What a start !
And the fathers' names of Maia Lee children must be Mr MIA something...
Wish u and ur 2 babies a wonderful 2009 :) .....
God Bless U
The "Once Bitten, Twice Shy" logic definitely is not in her dictationary !!!
Being wild is still not that bad, being wild and irresponsible IS. Think of the kind of things her children have to go through when they grow up.