AFTER reaching 50, eight out of ten women believe that members of the opposite sex no longer notice them.
And seven out of ten women feel neglected by the fashion industry after 50. The study by the online retailer surveyed 1,246 UK women, of which 47 per cent were over 50.
Besides deepening wrinkles and greying hair, about three-quarters of women turned 60 believe they have lost their individuality by being branded solely as a 'mum.'
Lynda Bellingham, 62, a presenter on British TV show Loose Women told the Daily Mail newspaper, said: 'Reaching 50 really does change the way you're regarded by society.
'You suddenly find yourself being passed over by everyone - employers, men and certainly fashion designers.' She added: 'Reaching my 50s was an unsettling time. Work-wise, parts were harder to come by and I felt that my romantic life was over.'
The survey also found that more than half of the over 50s questioned felt that older women in adverts were often unrealistically portrayed by much younger models. Conversely, Emma Soames, of Saga Magazine told the Daily Mail: 'We're welcoming an era in which 50 is the new 34.'