LOS ANGELES: There are going to be some big changes when the new season of Ameri can
Idol debuts next month.
But one thing that will not change is Paula Abdul’s standing as one of the show’s judges,
said MTV.com
Abdul has been mired in controversy for weeks since claiming that producers failed to keep
a crazed fan, Paula Goodspeed, away from her and let her audition on three separate occasions, according to the San Francisco Chronicle.
Goodspeed overdosed on drugs in front of Abdul’s California home last month.
But on Monday, executive producer Ken Warwick told reporters that there is no intention of giving Abdul the axe.
“There’s never been any discussion that we would want to get rid of Paula,” Warwick told MTV.com
“She’s one of the foundation blocks of this series... She keeps Simon well in control, which is worth its weight in gold.”
Warwick also addressed Abdul’s comments that she warned producers about Goodspeed. Warwick insists he was never told that Goodspeed could be a threat.
“I would never contaminate the credibility of the show by putting somebody through who
was dangerous,” he said.
He added that producers have refused to allow people “who have appeared aggressive” through to the judges , said MTV.com
American Idol premieres on Star World (StarHub Ch 18) on Jan 14 next year, and will air
on Wednesdays at 6pm, with repeats at 8pm.
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