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Tue, Dec 16, 2008
The New Paper
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Do one social activity a week
by David Tian

SOME people are lucky. They marry their childhood sweetheart at age 22 and never have to worry about dating again.

Most people are not so fortunate. And some of them simply never meet new love interests.

Years go by without a date. They spend New Year's Eve alone or with friends, pizza delivery, or a DVD.

If this is you, realise that you might never meet your ideal partner naturally and that you must take immediate action even if you don't feel like it.

Here is a great habit to have in your life: Carry out one social activity a week.

Just do it

Do this no matter what, even if you don't want to.

The following are some suggestions, but I am sure you can think of more.

Attend a singles' party. I know of several in town, including the Little Black Book Party at Mimolette on Thursdays.

Volunteer at a charitable organisation. Take up a new hobby that involves group activities, such as singing in a choir, forming your own band, or acting in a community production.

If you have the means, book a trip to Club Med, hire a dating coach or join a club.

You don't have to be any good at these activities to start. You just have to stick them in your schedule, show up, be sociable and smile.

Maybe you are worried that you have to go alone. That is no excuse to sit at home. Many people I know had to drag themselves to a social activity alone, and those were the nights they met their current partner.

Sometimes, it is better to go alone because you can manage your own time and go with the social flow. Besides, as an adult, you must learn to accept that you cannot always cling to someone for support.

At the start, these social activities may not always be pleasant or comfortable. But many of the most worthwhile things in life are outside one's comfort zone.

Even if you do not meet your ideal mate, just going out - whether it is to a museum, a sports event, or a party - is good for you. You meet new people, broaden your horizons, and practise your social skills.

Tell your friends that you're going to take up at least one social activity this week. And stick with it!

Learn more about dating expert Dr Date at his website:

This article was first published in The New Paper on Dec 14, 2008.

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